
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Herbalife 24 Results

Well deserved, Congratulations-so proud of you Jody.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cellulite Problems - tackle that orange peel effect with Herbalife.

Good riddance to orange peel skin!
Cellulite is the orange peel effect or bumps under the skin which causes the surface of the body to look dimpled. That is the main reason why women cover up especially on the beach and at work; or not even go at all! Cellulite is caused by little overfilled fat cells which occur exactly under the skin. These cells have become enlarged causing them to take up more space between the skin's connective tissues than usual; the fat then expands these spaces resulting in the overlying skin dimpling in. Don’t let unwanted cellulite cause image problems. Use our Herbalife Shapeworks Body Buffing and Herbalife Shapeworks Body Contouring Cream to smooth your skin and remove that horrible orange peel effect. If left untreated, cellulite does get worse with age, so don not delay it any longer! Spring into action and take care of that tough cellulite with the help of Herbalife today!

Using the latest in advances in skin care technology, our Herbalife product development specialists have discovered a new way to reduce the appearance of orange peel skin or cellulite. Herbalife Shapeworks body buffing lotions and Herbalife Shapeworks body contouring creams are simple to use and, when combined with good eating habits and exercise, will have you looking and feeling great in your summer swim suit in no time at all.
Herbalife Body Buffing Scrub
Take charge of your body's problem zones, like hips and thighs, and help minimize the appearance of dimpled skin with this advanced two-step approach. The Herbalife Shapeworks Body Buffing Scrub with jojoba helps exfoliate and smooth rough skin. Body Contouring Creme, with gingko and fruit acids, is a Herbalife product which helps increase skin firmness.
Key Benefits of this Herbalife Product:
  • This Herbalife Shapeworks product helps reduce the appearance of dimpled skin.
  • Improves skin texture and tone.
Herbalife Product Facts
Herbalife Shapeworks Body Contouring Cream contains fruit and plant acids to help improve skin tone and texture.
Suggested Usage of this Herbalife Shapeworks Product
For best results, combine with Herbalife's Cell-U-Loss® product and your preferred Herbalife Weight-Management Program.
30 day money back guarantee
If you are interested in these fantastic Herbalife products you can e-mail me at reinobotha@gmail.com

Herbalife Body Contour Creme
Take charge of your cellulite problem zones, like hips and thighs, and help minimize the appearance of dimpled skin with this advanced two-step approach from Herbalife. The Herbalife Shapeworks Body Buffing Scrub with jojoba helps exfoliate and smooth rough skin. The Herbalife Shapeworks Body Contouring Creme, with gingko and fruit acids, helps increase skin firmness.
Key Benefits of these Herbalife Products:
  • Helps reduce the appearance of dimpled skin.
  • Herbalife Shapeworks Body Buffing improves skin texture and tone
Herbalife Product Facts:Herbalife Shapeworks Body Buffing Scrub cleanses and exfoliates, allowing fresh, smoother skin cells to appear.
Suggested UsageFor best results, combine with Herbalife's Cell-U-Loss® product and your preferred Herbalife Weight-Management Program
Guarantee30 day money back guarantee
If you are interested in these fantastic products from Herbalife you can e-mail me at reinobotha@gmail.com

Formula 1 Sport

Quality performance starts with solid nutrition. Taken any time during the day, this healthy meal is specifically formulated for athlete's daily dietary needs.

  • Milk protein supports lean muscle mass
  • Carbohydrate blend provides immediate and sustained energy
  • L-Glutamine supports muscle growth and immune function
  • Antioxidant protection

  • 90 Calories
  • 1000mg L - Glutamine
  • 9g Milk Protean
  • Antioxidant Support

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Herbalife ABS

How to Get Flat Abs in Only 30 Days

Do you suffer from a gut that just won’t stop?  Well, you don’t have to put up with this condition.  With some hard work, you can get flat abs in just 30  short days.
The key to flat abs is is a regimen that works all of yourabdominal muscles.  You should do the following exercises a minimum of four times a week for four weeks if you want to get flat abs in just one month.
You will notice that none of these exercises to get flat abs in 30 days requires any special equipment.  You can do the entire workout on your floor needing only a bottle of water.
belly-rollFirst, you will do belly rolls.  These work your vertical ab muscles.  What you do is sit with your legs bent, feet flat on the floor with your arms straight in front of you.  Exhale your breath and roll back until your lower back touches the ground.  Then inhale and roll back up.
You will want to repeat the belly rolls 15 times and then do this variation: when you exhale, roll your body back until your shoulders touch the ground.  Repeat the shoulder belly rolls 15 times as well.
tummy-curlNext up is tummy curls.   These work your horizontal ab muscles.  What you will do is lie on your back and bend your knees at about an 80 degree angle.  Raise your feet slightly higher than your knees.  Lift your rear end and roll back to your shoulder blades.  Inhale and then roll to your tail bone without letting your butt touch the ground.  Repeat the tummy curls 20 times.
cross-crunchThe third exercise is the cross crunches which help out your waist.  You are going to use a 1 liter bottle of water to do this exercise.  Lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle with the floor and cradle your left hand behind your head. Hold the water bottle in your right hand.  Lift your head and shoulders off of the ground and reach across your body, so the bottle is outside your left knee. Repeat 20 times before switching sides and doing it another 20 times.
tailbone-liftTailbone lifts are the next exercise and they work your lower ab muscles.  What you are going to do is lie on your back, arms stretched straight over your head and legs fully extended and crossed in the air. Exhale as you lift your tailbone, and then slowly lower your back as you inhale.  Resist the urge to just drop on the way down.  Do this exercise 30 times before moving on.
inverted-crunchesThe final exercise is inverted crunches.  These work your lower back muscles.  To perform this exercise, lie on your stomach, arms in front of you as if flying. Exhale and lift just your right arm and left leg as high as you can. Then inhale and lower your leg. Switch off, lifting your left arm and right leg. Alternate sides, doing 20 lifts on each side. As a final step, lift both arms and legs 20 times.
If you want to get flat abs in just 30 days, you will follow this exercise regime diligently for a full month.  Remember to schedule in the exercises at least four times per week.
While there are no magic cures for getting rid of belly fat, flat abs in 30 days is not an impossibility with the right amount of work. Remember you can workout all day everyday. But if your Nutrition is not right, your really wasting your time. HERBALIFE products will take you where you need to be and then some...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Blanket run Tonight!!! 12 Jun 2012

Dear OpenMinders,

I'm sure that you are feeling the pinch of winter by now, so are we and the friends that's sleeping on the sidewalks of Pretoria CBD.

We are currently in progess of raising funds to buy some warm blankets to help these men fight of the cold and survive the harshness of the cold.

It would be highly appreciated if you can particaipate in assisting us to reach the goal of handing out 300 blankets.

If you have old blankets, not in use any more, please let us know at info@openminder.org

Alternativerly we will purchase blankets, this Saterday 9 June 2012, financial contrubutions can be given at:

Banking details:


Account number: 62202476372

Type: Cheque Account

Branch: FNB Hatfield

We will be handing out the blankets on Tuesday evening 12th of June 2012. You are welcome to join us! Extra hands are always welcome! For those that cannot join us in any practical ways, please keep us in your prayers.

Thank you kindly,

OpenMind team!