Thursday, November 16, 2017

Shake up the way you start your day

My Herbalife Breakfast 

Are you health conscious and selective about the food you eat and the quality of your lifestyle? There is more focus these days on encouraging overall well-being, fitness and health maintenance
Start your day with a balanced breakfast 
A healthy eating pattern makes it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Great way to shake up your breakfast!!
Who said breakfast has to be boring? Be inspired with this delicious Formula 1 pancake recipe*!

Summer Travel Essentials
Don’t forget to stock up on this cool and moisturising range this summer. Keep it in your bag and enjoying the soothing, calming relief our Herbalife Aloe range provides.

3 ways to improve your day
Do you struggle to get your day started? You too can become a morning person. Getting your morning started on the right foot with a workout and simple choices. Samantha Clayton gives us 3 easy ways to get started.
Beauty Tips for Summer 
There are a number of factors which contribute to the health of our skin, get these 7 Summer beauty tips and see how a little adjustment can make huge impact.
Out Now! New Today Magazine 
Packed full of educational pieces on nutrition, fitness and beauty, view it online and get inspired!