Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cellulite Problems - tackle that orange peel effect with Herbalife.

Good riddance to orange peel skin!
Cellulite is the orange peel effect or bumps under the skin which causes the surface of the body to look dimpled. That is the main reason why women cover up especially on the beach and at work; or not even go at all! Cellulite is caused by little overfilled fat cells which occur exactly under the skin. These cells have become enlarged causing them to take up more space between the skin's connective tissues than usual; the fat then expands these spaces resulting in the overlying skin dimpling in. Don’t let unwanted cellulite cause image problems. Use our Herbalife Shapeworks Body Buffing and Herbalife Shapeworks Body Contouring Cream to smooth your skin and remove that horrible orange peel effect. If left untreated, cellulite does get worse with age, so don not delay it any longer! Spring into action and take care of that tough cellulite with the help of Herbalife today!

Using the latest in advances in skin care technology, our Herbalife product development specialists have discovered a new way to reduce the appearance of orange peel skin or cellulite. Herbalife Shapeworks body buffing lotions and Herbalife Shapeworks body contouring creams are simple to use and, when combined with good eating habits and exercise, will have you looking and feeling great in your summer swim suit in no time at all.
Herbalife Body Buffing Scrub
Take charge of your body's problem zones, like hips and thighs, and help minimize the appearance of dimpled skin with this advanced two-step approach. The Herbalife Shapeworks Body Buffing Scrub with jojoba helps exfoliate and smooth rough skin. Body Contouring Creme, with gingko and fruit acids, is a Herbalife product which helps increase skin firmness.
Key Benefits of this Herbalife Product:
  • This Herbalife Shapeworks product helps reduce the appearance of dimpled skin.
  • Improves skin texture and tone.
Herbalife Product Facts
Herbalife Shapeworks Body Contouring Cream contains fruit and plant acids to help improve skin tone and texture.
Suggested Usage of this Herbalife Shapeworks Product
For best results, combine with Herbalife's Cell-U-Loss® product and your preferred Herbalife Weight-Management Program.
30 day money back guarantee
If you are interested in these fantastic Herbalife products you can e-mail me at

Herbalife Body Contour Creme
Take charge of your cellulite problem zones, like hips and thighs, and help minimize the appearance of dimpled skin with this advanced two-step approach from Herbalife. The Herbalife Shapeworks Body Buffing Scrub with jojoba helps exfoliate and smooth rough skin. The Herbalife Shapeworks Body Contouring Creme, with gingko and fruit acids, helps increase skin firmness.
Key Benefits of these Herbalife Products:
  • Helps reduce the appearance of dimpled skin.
  • Herbalife Shapeworks Body Buffing improves skin texture and tone
Herbalife Product Facts:Herbalife Shapeworks Body Buffing Scrub cleanses and exfoliates, allowing fresh, smoother skin cells to appear.
Suggested UsageFor best results, combine with Herbalife's Cell-U-Loss® product and your preferred Herbalife Weight-Management Program
Guarantee30 day money back guarantee
If you are interested in these fantastic products from Herbalife you can e-mail me at